
"Like I was saying, there are lightning rods -- a lot of them -- placed all over the city. Now, as it stands right now, all the energy they capture is routed into four main grounding stations. In turn the stations ground all that energy into the ocean below."
Dr. Rodney McKay[src]

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Lightning Rods located across the city of Atlantis which attract the lightning during storms and direct it to the Grounding stations to prevent the city from being damaged. During a massive storm in 2004 the Atlantis expedition utilised these to attract lightning to power the shield and protect the city from the storm. (SGA: "The Storm")

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Power sources
Altairan power pack  · Ancient crystal power cell  · Ancient solar power collectors  · Asgard power core  · Aturen power cell  · Battery  · Cauldron  · Cold fusion  · Cold fusion reactor core  · Containment chamber room  · Eye of Apophis  · Eye of Ba'al  · Eye of Balor  · Eye of Marduk  · Eye of Osiris  · Eye of Ra  · Eye of Tiamat  · Eyes of the Goa'uld  · Fission generator  · Geothermal energy  · Hou Kaingan pearl  · Ki'ai power cell  · Atlantis lightning rods  · Liquid Naquadah  · Atlantis main power conduits  · Main power room  · Mobile drilling platform  · Naquadah cell  · Naquadah generator  · Naquadah reactor  · Naquadria  · Naquadria power cell  · Naquadria reactor core  · Neutrino-ion generator  · Nuclear fusion reactor  · Ori power generator  · Pilation solar cell  · Power Booster Device  · Power distribution center  · Project Arcturus  · Repulsor-field generator  · Section Seven  · Solar power  · Stargate power node  · Subspace capacitor  · Subterranean power grid  · Telnorran generator  · Terra-root  · Tidal power generation station  · Wind power  · Zero point energy  · Zero Point Module  · ZPM Hub  · ZPM room