This article is about the Bedrosian craft. For other spacecraft referred to as shuttles, see Shuttle (disambiguation).

A Bedrosian transport shuttle is a small craft capable of high-speed atmospheric or space flight.


Bedrosian force field

A shuttle lowering its shield to trap SG-1.

The ship, used by the technologically advanced Bedrosians, is also capable of hovering in the air. While hovering, the shuttle pod is able to generate a four-panel force field from its ventral side down to the surface to capture adversaries. It also has shields capable of withstanding a shot from a Staff weapon. It is capable of flying at break-neck velocities, and is both versatile and maneuverable.

The vessel's hull is shielded from many forms of plasma-based weaponry. When a shot from a Staff weapon made contact with hull, it only left a scorch mark in its wake. The shape of the interior is particularly suited for concealing troops as they fight off enemies outside the ship.


A Bedrosian transport shuttle once captured three members of SG-1, and was later used by Teal'c in the recovery of his teammates. (SG1: "New Ground")

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Individuals Bedrosian GuardBedrosian MedicBedrosian Soldier 1Bedrosian Soldier 2Bedrosian Soldier 3Bedrosian Soldier 4Bedrosian Soldier 5Bedrosian Soldier 6Bedrosian Soldier 7MallinNyanParcyRigar
Planets P2X-416
Terms Bedrosian-Optrican warBedrosian Central RegistryBook of Nefertum
Technology Bedrosian cannonBedrosian force fieldBedrosian rifleBedrosian syringeBedrosian transport shuttleOptical regeneratorPrisoner cages