
Asuran Probes were a type of technology used by the Asuran Replicators.


These devices were somewhat larger than a Human head and were capable of traveling through space in order to locate targets for the Asurans. One such device was sent to find the base of a group of rogue Asurans that had created a replica of Atlantis along with the Human expedition from Earth in order to study them in the hopes of learning the secrets of Ascension.


The probe crashed into the replica city where it was destroyed by the rogue Asurans but not before it sent a data transmission to the dominant Asurans led by Oberoth who moved to destroy the city. (SGA: "This Mortal Coil")


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Asurans AngelusAsuran (Ghost in the Machine)Asuran (Reunion)Asuran (The Return)Asuran (This Mortal Coil)Asuran 1 (Progeny)Asuran 2 (Progeny)Asuran CouncilAsuran Counselor 1Asuran Counselor 2Asuran crew memberAsuran Guard 1 (The Return, Part 2)Asuran Guard 1 (This Mortal Coil)Asuran Guard 2 (The Return, Part 2)Asuran Guard 2 (This Mortal Coil)Asuran Guard 3 (This Mortal Coil)Asuran Technician (Lifeline)Asuran Technician 1 (This Mortal Coil)Asuran Technician 2 (This Mortal Coil)CetusEllen (Asuran)Friendly Replicator AndroidGreen (Asuran)Hybrid (Asuran)Jennifer Keller (Asuran)KoracenLiaEvan Lorne (Asuran)NiamOberothParker (Asuran)Replicator GodzillaRivers (Asuran)Talus (Asuran)Elizabeth WeirRadek Zelenka (Asuran)
Planets Asuran systemAsurasNiam's faction's planet
Asuran technology Ancient force fieldAncient hyperdriveAncient sensorAncient shieldAurora-class battleshipBase codeCentral data coreAsuran city-shipCloakCore driveAsuran cruiserDrone weaponLantean pulse weaponNaniteNanite creation machineOrganic AsuranAsuran pistolAsuran probeAsuran Stargate satelliteSubterranean power gridZero Point Module
Terms Digital ascensionNiam's faction