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Celestis is the homeworld of the Alterans, and by extension the Ori. It's also the location of Ver Eger, a village populated by humans who worshiped the Ori. The Plains of Celestis are where the City of Celestis is located, which is the home of the Doci and the Flames of Enlightenment, where the Ori formerly resided. Ortus Mallum, the original home of the Alterans, also resides on Celestis. The Alterans were forced to flee from their homeworld millions of years ago due to the warmongering actions of their brethren: the Ori. (SG1: "Origin", "The Ark of Truth")

Known locations on Celestis[]


Appearances for Celestis

In chronological order:

Behind the scenes[]

The Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary defines caelestis as, "pertaining to heaven, heavenly, celestial," or metonymically as, "divine, god-like," or substantially, "the gods." Definition of Caelestis
