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Stargate Infinity
Stargate Infinity
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"The Answer" was the twentieth episode of Stargate Infinity.

Publishers Summary[]

Dr. Keri Mason, an old friend of the SG team, is excited to report that a neuroscientist, Bre-Sal, has unlocked the key to telepathic communication, which could lead to universal peace, but it seems that Bre-Sal is involved with the Tlak'kahn.


The team arrives on Octasar where a Dr. Keri Mason of the SGC is working with a local scientist, Dr. Bri'sal, on a project of universal telepathy as part of a scientific conference and believes the Tlak'kahn can help him. They're playing him, naturally, since Bri'sal's fellow scientists don't support his project. Stacey overhears them while the rest of the team convinces Mason they're not traitors. Mason doesn't believe them and when the project succeeds the Tlak'kahn take control. The team launches an attack and the mind-controlled scientists are forced to attack them, but Mason grabs Da'kyll's device, freeing everyone and forcing the Tlak'kahn to retreat.


Keri Mason, Bri'sal, Synaptic telepathy band, Telepathy, Octasar, Da'kyll, Tlak'kahn, Stacey Bonner, Gus Bonner, R.J. Harrison

Notable Quotes[]

Mason: I wanted you to have all the answers - I forgot that nobody does.
Seattle: With Harrison around, we don't need to be reminded.
Harrison: Now wait a second...

Bri'sal: You lied! You said no violence!
Da'kyll: I said that went without saying. You heard what you wanted.

Gus: It's time for Plan C.
Stacey: Plan C?
Harrison: We make it up as we go along.
Gus: You read my mind.

External Links[]
