
This individual has no known canonical name.  While the information presented is canonical, the individual described lacks an official name, thus the title is conjecture.

The Tok'ra Elder was an unnamed Tok'ra who was put in charge of the last Ba'al clone's extraction.



He listed the crimes of Ba'al which took 3 hours and escorts the Ba'al clone to the Symbiote extractor. An implement pierces the head and extracts the symbiote from the host into a small, blue capsule. He holds it up and announces the last of the System Lords before throwing it on the ground, smashing it and letting the symbiote inside writhe where in lies for all to see. (SG1: "Continuum")

Alternate timelines[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Tok'ra Elder, like all Tok'ra, are biologically Goa'uld and are technically the same species. However, the Tok'ra do not take kindly to being called Goa'uld and do not believe in taking hosts against their will and instead form a symbiotic relationship with them. (SG1: "The Tok'ra, Part 1", "The Tok'ra, Part 2")


Links and navigation[]

v  e
Tok'ra AcastusAdrastosAldwinAniseAntocCordeshDelekEgeriaGarshaw of BeloteJa'nokJalenJalrowJaydinJolinar of MalkshurKananKelmaaKhonsuKorraKurserLantashMalekMapepMarteenMingalaMarnonOckerOneshPer'susPoloniusRen'alSelmakSholredSinaTa'SeemThellasThoranTok'ra ElderToliiZanufZarinZelida
Tok'ra hosts Jacob CarterSamantha CarterCharlieEilaanKevin ElliotFirnanFreyaKadonLiandraMartoufNyklosJack O'NeillBenjamin J. ReillyPriaRoshaSalemSarooshShevakSuloMacAlester St. JohnTroy StantonThinaTulennWey'larYosuf
Tok'ra outposts MeliaParvaP34-353JGhanazVorashRevannaTok'ra homeworld
Tok'ra technology Bio-sensorDisplay deviceGoa'uld BaneHologram projectorHoming beaconHUD headsetKull disruptorMemory recall deviceRadioactive Tok'ra isotopeReol chemicalRing remoteShock grenadeShort range communicatorStrength gaugeSymbiote extractorSymbiote poisonTacluchnatagamuntoronTok'ra force fieldTok'ra moon destabilizerTok'ra star mapping technologyTok'ra stasis podTok'ra subspace receiverTok'ra tunnelTransphase Eradication RodZa'tarc detectorZa'tarc ringZat'nik'tel